Page Eighteen

50th Reunion
October 10-11-12, 2003

Catskill Daily Mail — Monday, October 27, 2003

Catskill High School Class of 1953 celebrated its 50th Reunion on the weekend of October 10 - 12, 2003. Chairpersons for the event were Pan Libman Ruzzi of Sleepy Hollow Lake and David Clapper of Hudson. Forty-five classmates & their guests came from as far away as California, Alabama, Missouri, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and from more than ten towns and cities in New York State.

The weekend officially started Friday morning with a golf game at the Catskill Country Club, organized by Terry Lane of South Carolina. Friday evening an informal get-together was hosted by Pan and Pep Ruzzi at their home on the lake in Sleepy Hollow Lake, Athens. Guests were greeted by balloons and a huge welcoming banner, both in the CHS school colors of orange & blue. Guests enjoyed the sumptuous buffet of hors d’oeuvres created and prepared by Mrs. Ruzzi. Classmates greeted each other warmly and lots of “Remember whens?...” were exchanged. The evening ended after midnight and after the guests had enjoyed a beautiful cake decorated in the school colors and topped by a small boy and girl graduate. The cake was made by Kay Maher of Athens.

On Saturday morning classmates took tours of the Catskill Schools, starting with the Middle School which was the Junior-Senior High School in the 1950s. The tour started in the auditorium, where an impromptu concert ensued! Ralph Darling of South Carolina took the stage and told of the influence of his band teacher, Lorraine Roberts (now deceased), who was his only instrumental teacher, and whose teaching enabled him to enjoy playing in bands and orchestras all his life. Accompanied on the piano by David Clapper, a former choral music teacher in the

Catskill Middle School, Ralph asked the audience to join him and David in singing the school song, which they did with pleasure.

Each room the participants passed brought remembrances of the teacher who had taught in that room and many nostalgic and amusing incidents were shared. At the present-day High School, the group was particularly impressed with the large auditorium, the gym and the new classrooms which recently opened.

The new Elementary School amazed the group! It was so different from the Irving and Grandview Schools where the Class of 53 had attended elementary school! The class members were most complimentary about the beauty of the school, the organization of such a large building, the state-of-the-art library and the very up-to-date computer labs.

The class would like to thank Bill Wyman, Director of Facilities, for his help in arranging the tours, and Nilda Gallo, Reggie Clearwater and Richie Berke who conducted the tours.

On Saturday evening, a banquet took place in the Carriage House of the Freehold Country Inn in Freehold. As class members entered, they each received a handsome nametag with their

“There’s one thing about our class: Our friendships shall always last, And in all minds we’ll still be The great Class of ‘53!”
from History of Class of ‘53 Class Yearbook Written by
Pan Libman (Ruzzi)

1953 yearbook picture and orange and blue ribbons on it. This made it easier to recognize one another after 50 years! Each person was also given a specially created directory of class members. The directories had the high school picture (and recent picture of those who submitted them) and a mini-biography of each person’s life over the last fifty

years, from those who submitted them. It also included a page of remembrance which listed the names of deceased classmates. The third thing given to each person was a booklet called Remember When--1953, donated by Terry Lane. These fascinating booklets were filled with information of what was going on in the world the year the class graduated.

There was a table filled with memorabilia. The yearbooks, school pictures from elementary school through high school, scrapbooks and photograph albums of the 25th, 30th and 35th Reunions were all enjoyed.

After a cocktail hour and sitting for a class picture taken by local photographer, Debbie Teator, of Freehold, classmates sat down at tables beautifully decorated with orange and blue table linens, and grapevine wreaths wound with bittersweet centered with orange votive candles in crystal holders. Mrs. Ruzzi greeted everyone and thanked all who had come and especially those who gave extra donations to make the weekend so special. She thanked her co-chairman, David Clapper, for his work writing and sending letters, creating the nametags and booklets, and creating and maintaining an exciting website with ongoing news of the reunion and of

classmates. She thanked Terry Lane for the donation of the booklets, and Larry Carey of New Jersey for his donation of golden boxes inscribed with “CHS 50th Reunion, October 11,.2003,” and filled with delicious chocolates. Mrs. Ruzzi also thanked her husband for his “behind-the-scenes” work, help and support. Then Mr. Clapper read the names of the deceased classmates and the Rev. Rod Wiltse of Missouri led the group in remembering them. Father Wiltse gave the blessing and the class enjoyed the delicious food.

While classmates were having dessert, Mrs. Ruzzi shared some things to help bring back the class’ happy high school life. They included the History of the Class from the 1953 Yearbook, and Interesting Facts and Cost of Living pages from the Remember When booklet. She mentioned classmates who were unable to attend but sent greetings, and conveyed the greetings of three former teachers, Mr. Anthony Rinaldi and Mr. Everett McCarty of Catskill, and Mr. Julius Sylvia of Vail’s Gate, who were invited but unable to attend. Then Mrs. Ruzzi encouraged any and all classmates to share their feelings about high school days and the reunion. Quite a number shared and their comments were very moving.

Next Mrs. Ruzzi conducted two raffles, the prizes being the beautiful Catskill throws whose sale benefits the Catskill Elementary Schools. A number of participants who didn’t have the luck of winning purchased a throw.

The evening ended with an enthusiastic singing of the school song.

On Sunday morning a good number of the class was able to get together once again, enjoying brunch at Red’s. Then reluctant goodbyes were said, people promising to visit one another and almost everyone asking Mr. Clapper and Mrs. Ruzzi to plan another reunion in five or ten years.

Photo by Debra Teator

Back Row L-R: Rod Wiltse, Ed Brumaghin, Phil Dugan. Charlotte Barris Nepsie, Larry Carey, Glen Reither, Joan DuBois Durland, George Hallenbeck, Ed Hagan, Echo Doebler Rice, Tom Schamerhorn.

2nd Row L-R Margarie Taylor Jones, Frances Ruzzi, Pan Libman Ruzzi, Sheryl McGrath, Marcia Wishengrad Metzger, Nancy Ruth Anderson, Karl Scharl, Lenny Kusisto.

Front Row L-R John Hagan, Lillian Gallt Salvino, Beverly Kelly Prest, Ralph Darling, David Clapper, Matthew Ostoyich, Terry Lane.